Protection made easy
We take great pride in taking responsibility for your protection needs.

Our advice will help alleviate many financial concerns that you may have, if the worst were to happen. With our expert advice we can ensure that all of your policies, past and present, are fit for purpose.
Life insurance
Provides the peace of mind that comes with a tax free, cash lump sum direct your chosen beneficiaries, so that you know they won’t struggle financially in the event of your death.
Family income benefit
Another form of Life Insurance, FIB provides your family with a regular income in the event of your death and is another way to ensure they’re taken care of when you’re gone.
Critical illness cover
Upon diagnosis of certain “critical” illnesses, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke etc, these policies can pay out a tax-free, cash lump sum directly. What you choose to do with it is entirely up to you; medical treatment, bucket list wish list, gifting or whatever you decide.
Mortgage protection
Making sure you have the right level of cover for your outstanding mortgage is crucial and we will make sure its paid off in a way that’s suitable for you if the worst were to happen.
Accident and sickness cover
Similar to Income Protection, Accident and Sickness insurance policies will provide a regular income to help you cover the costs of those regular essential payments, such as your mortgage, utility bills and groceries for a shorter period of time.
Private medical insurance
If you want private treatment for a potential medical condition, a private medical insurance policy could be the right choice for you and your family.
We are unable to provide you with advice on Private Medical Insurance however we can introduce you to an authorised and regulated Financial Adviser who can provide you with specialist advice in this area.
Private medical insurance are referred to a third party. Callander Mortgage Solutions Ltd is not responsible for the service received